Category Uncategorized

Mobile Black Spot Program: $55 Million in Funding for Regional and Rural Areas

The Federal Government has launched Round 8 of its Mobile Black Spot Program (MBSP), committing $55 million in co-funding to improve mobile coverage in natural disaster-prone regional and rural areas. This initiative aims to enhance telecommunications infrastructure, ensuring better communication during and after emergencies. Local Councillors and Parliamentarians can suggest…

Success at Today’s Jobs Now! – Ipswich Expo

The Jobs Now! – Ipswich Expo on Wednesday 23rd October, saw a successful turnout, bringing together hundreds of local job seekers, employers, and community leaders. The event provided a valuable platform for promoting employment opportunities and strengthening local workforce development. Representatives…

Business Booth Courses Launch in the Region

The first of many Business Booth courses has kicked off, offering local businesses access to FREE mentoring and business support services. This initiative, hosted by the Ipswich City Council’s Economic Development Team in partnership with the Department of Employment, Small…

Salisbury to Beaudesert Rail Planning Report Released

The Australian and Queensland governments have released the planning summary report for the Salisbury to Beaudesert rail corridor. Both governments, having invested $10 million each under the Inland Rail Bilateral Agreement, will now move into further planning stages to protect…