Archives Grants

Smartgroup Foundation Grants

Opening date: 15th August 2024
Closing date: 30th August 2024
Funding Amount: $5,000 - $15,000
Focuses on projects which support: natural climate solutions and decarbonisation technologies, inclusive and equitable communities, and financial wellness and education.

Social Enterprise Growth Grants

Opening date: 12th August 2024
Closing date: 3rd October 2024
Funding Amount: $5,000 - $25,000
Provides grants to eligible established Queensland social enterprises for capability and capacity building that supports the business to scale up or adapt.

Self-Employment Assistance Program

Opening date: 1st August 2024
Closing date: 31st August 2025
Funding Amount: Unspecified
Helps people start, develop and grow a small or micro-business through 12 months of free mentoring, workshops, accredited training and financial support.

Fundraise Yourself

Opening date: 1st August 2024
Closing date: 30th August 2025
Funding Amount: Unspecified
Provides a way for you to fundraise online for a project within your school that improves educational outcomes for students.

Sporting Schools Grants

Opening date: 12th August 2024
Closing date: 23rd August 2024
Funding Amount: up t $4,150
Helps primary schools and secondary schools in relation to year 7 and 8 students deliver sport-based activities before, during or after school hours.