Supports talented and inquisitive high school graduates looking to strengthen their passion and expertise in technology to innovate and create new opportunities and inspire good in the world of STEM.
Aims to give the opportunity to people living in Outback Australia to undertake further studies or research of a kind not otherwise readily available to them.
Provides organisations, such as schools and community groups, with funds to sponsor a student or group of students to participate in STEM engagement events, activities and competitions that are hosted in-person or online, within Australia or overseas.
Provides funding to new undergraduate and postgraduate teaching students in exchange for teaching in government schools or government-run early learning settings following their degree.
Provides partnerships to drive structural and cultural change and increase women’s participation and training in the construction, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and/or digital and technology industries.
Funds initiatives that help Hireup clients and support workers to achieve (or make progress towards achieving) an important personal and/or professional goal.
Provides long-term strategic grants in the areas of early childhood, education and ending poverty with a view to building lasting partnerships to help achieve the Foundation's mission.