Provides funding to new undergraduate and postgraduate teaching students in exchange for teaching in government schools or government-run early learning settings following their degree.
Provides partnerships to drive structural and cultural change and increase women’s participation and training in the construction, clean energy, advanced manufacturing and/or digital and technology industries.
Funds initiatives that help Hireup clients and support workers to achieve (or make progress towards achieving) an important personal and/or professional goal.
Provides long-term strategic grants in the areas of early childhood, education and ending poverty with a view to building lasting partnerships to help achieve the Foundation's mission.
Supports education research projects that will contribute to the improvement of education, broadly conceived. The program supports budgets up to $50,000 for projects ranging from one to five years. Applications are accepted three times per year.
Supporting excellent mid-career researchers to undertake high quality research in areas of national and international benefit. Future Fellowships provide 4-year fellowships to outstanding Australian mid-career researchers. The ARC may also award the Administering Organisation up to $60,000 of non-salary funding per year to use for personnel, equipment, travel and field research costs directly related to […]
Awards educators with prizes for excellence in science teaching. The Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science are Australia’s most prestigious and highly regarded awards for outstanding achievements in:- Scientific research- Research-based innovation- Excellence in science teaching.