Enables all people living in Australia to access mental health supports via digital and online channels at a time and place that suits their personal needs and preferences.
Awards a grant to an organisation which provides services directly to those with physical disabilities. The Judy Lennox Annual Memorial Grant is a one-off funding support, with funding to be utilised/expensed within a 12-month period.
Funds community-based projects that reach those most affected by, or at risk of HIV, particularly in marginalised, hard to reach or vulnerable communities.
Exists to change the lives of Queensland children in need. Consideration is only given for children throughout Queensland. Supporting a range of charitable organisations, the Fund has provided financial assistance for:- Mobility and learning aids- Educational equipment and assistance- Recreational and respite programs- New technologies- Medical equipment.
Provides scholarships to children with an existing talent living with disabilities, chronic illness or financial hardship to achieve their full potential and to follow their dreams.
The Queensland Government is investing $9 million over three years in the grants to fund initiatives that improve mental health and wellbeing outcomes in Queensland communities. The grants are designed to build on existing community strengths, abilities, and knowledge to fund innovative, place-based initiatives that meet local needs. This includes providing supports early in life, […]
Helps kids and families facing challenges, by giving them access to things like medical equipment, mobility equipment, communication devices, learning aids, and wigs.